Detection Cluster
Lead: Atul N. PARIKH
Visiting Professor
Biomedical Engineering, UC Davis
Inspired by the opportunities and challenges of measuring low-abundance, time-varying, and molecularly ill-defined chemical and biological targets in noisy and molecularly crowded physical environments, the Detection Cluster seeks to innovate suites of modular detection technologies that convert biomolecular recognition into physical read-outs – optical, electrochemical, and electronic – ready for integration with portable devices.
To achieve our goal, we will innovate technologies that enable the detection of highly specific biomolecular interactions with extremely high (including single-molecule) sensitivity. Approaches include:
(1) Massively parallel measurements that allow for digital counting;
(2) Recognition (or binding)-induced signal enhancements and amplification through changes in material properties, such as by phase-separation, phase transition, aggregation, or hybridization chain reaction; and
(3) AI-guided analyses of microscopy images. We will also engineer approaches for multiplexed, error-tolerant, and label-free implementations of our detection strategies. The cluster will develop these approaches for detecting environmental pollutants, nucleic acids, proteins, lipids, and metabolites.
Principal Investigators
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